Jamie - Rosemount Class of 2018Aug 9, 2017We split up Jamie's session as it was raining during her time, so here's her first round of indoor pics. Rosemount Class of 2018.jamiea-180butterfsz copyjamiea-167 copyjamiea-141sparkilesz copyjamiea-114frenchsz copyjamiea-137sz copyjamiea-119sunsz copyjamiea-104sunsz copy
We split up Jamie's session as it was raining during her time, so here's her first round of indoor pics. Rosemount Class of 2018.jamiea-180butterfsz copyjamiea-167 copyjamiea-141sparkilesz copyjamiea-114frenchsz copyjamiea-137sz copyjamiea-119sunsz copyjamiea-104sunsz copy